UPDATE - Welsh Economic Resilience Fund – 3rd phase

As mentioned in our earlier article the eligibility checker to allow businesses to determine whether they will be entitled to funding under phase 3 of the Welsh Government’s Economic Resilience Fund has now been released. The tool may be accessed via the following link:

The grant fund will be open for applications from week commencing 26 October 2020 and will remain open for four weeks.

As mentioned previously experience from the previous two phases shows that demand is likely to be high and therefore business which believe they may be eligible and wish to apply should look to check eligibility and be prepared to make the application as soon as possible after applications open.

Missed our first article?

You can read our full article on the Third Phase of the Welsh Government's Economic Resilience Fund by clicking here.


Expansion of the Job Support Scheme


Updates on the Job Retention Bonus and the Job Support Scheme