A message from Helen Spencer, Managing Partner

Helen Spencer

Helen Spencer, Managing Partner

I anticipate that you may, like me, be reflecting on how today was the day last year when we felt the real impact of Covid on our personal and professional lives as went into lockdown.

 What a year it has been and Covid has impacted us all in very different ways, with us each having had our own personal experience over the last 12 months.  Whatever your experience, and I know that many of you have been ill with Covid or certainly had family members who we worried about as they became ill, none of us have been unaffected by the pandemic.  We have missed spending much valuable time with our loved ones, cancelled or postponed those big life events including weddings and big birthday celebrations.  We supported our families as our children missed taking exams, family members were impacted by the economic realities of furlough or redundancy and we lost loved ones.   The way in which we work with you has changed, in some ways for the better, but I certainly do not underestimate the impact of not being able to meet face to face and the impact you may have felt from this change in the way we communicate with you.  

 I hope you share my pride and optimism in the resilience we have all shown over the last 12 months,  as a business, WR Partners are stronger now and ready to move forward into the post Covid world.  In one of my early Covid updates to our team I quoted part of HM Queen Elizabeth’s televised speech and feel her words are still relevant today. “We should take comfort that while we may have still more to endure, better days will return.  We will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again”.    

 I believe that better days are returning and we can certainly start to plan to meet our friends and families again as we see our way out of lockdown.


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